Teldat VisorALARM Receiver Setup
Digital Receivers Installation and Configuration
FocalPoint™ Receivers Gateway Installation & Operation Manual - P/N: 53251:Rev: A 9/8/09
2.5.4 VisorALARM Supported Formats
The following format is supported:
ADEMCO Contact ID.
2.5.5 VisorALARM Communication Settings
Recommended as Baud Rate=9600, Parity=N, Data Bits=8 and Stop Bits=1.
2.5.6 VisorALARM Device Addressing and Supervision
Receivers Gateway monitors the VisorALARM for trouble conditions and reports them to
connected Workstations. The Workstation will auto-create an icon for this receiver, and will
display as VisorALARM - #### (where #### is the account number). Also the VisorALARM sends
a periodic heartbeat in which the Receivers Gateway supervises the connection to the receiver.
2.5.7 Device Addresses Reported
Point type addresses vary.
Site ID
VisorALARM Site IDs display as VisorALARM - ####.
Device ID
VisorALARM point IDs will be an 8-character device ID (XXXXXXXX) and their format depends
on the point type.