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The Buzzer is activated by any of the following ...
Fire Alarm
Supervisory Alarm
On and off at a rate of 20 per minute.
If the Buzzer is turned on in response to a Non-Latching Trouble or Supervisory, it will be turned off if the
condition causing it goes away and there is no other reason for it to be on.
The AC On Indicator is activated steady green while the main AC power is within acceptable levels. It is turned
off when the level falls below the power-fail threshold and the panel is switched to standby (battery) power.
Common Alarm LED:
The Common Alarm Indicator turns on steady red whenever the Panel is in Alarm as a result of an alarm on any
Initiating Circuit. Since all Alarms are latched until the Panel is reset, the Indicator will remain on until reset.
Common Supervisory LED:
The Common Supervisory Indicator turns on steady amber when there is a Supervisory Alarm in the Panel, as
the result of any Latching or Non-Latching Supervisory Circuit. The Indicator is turned off if all Non-Latching
Supervisory Circuits are restored and there are no Latching Supervisory Circuits active. Latching Supervisory
Alarms remain active until the Panel is reset.
Common Trouble LED:
The Common Trouble Indicator flashes Amber (at 20 flashes per minute) when there is any Trouble condition
being detected on the panel. It is turned off when all Non-Latching Troubles are cleared.
Remote Trouble LED:
The Remote Failure Indicator is steady Amber if there is trouble detected at a City Tie (
) or Digital Alarm
Communicator (
) Module, or if there is communication trouble detected with a Remote Annunciator
)or if a Remote Annunciator reports a local trouble. It is turned off if these conditions go away.
Fire Drill LED:
The Fire Drill Indicator turns on steady Amber while Fire Drill is active.
Auxiliary Disconnect LED:
The Auxiliary Disconnect Indicator is flashed Amber (20 flashes per minute) when the Auxiliary Disconnect
switch is activated. It is turned off when the switch is activated a second time. When on, it indicates that Common
Alarm and Common Supervisory Relays, and any
Relays are not activated. The Trouble Relay is
activated. Digital Alarm Communicator (
) or City Tie (
) Modules are also inactive if installed, except
that a Trouble condition is transmitted.
Signal Silence LED:
The Signal Silence indicator is flashed Amber (20 flashes per minute) when Indication Circuits are Silenced
either by the Signal Silence switch, or by the Auto Signal Silence Timer. It is turned off when the Signals are re-
sounded by a subsequent Alarm.
Battery Trouble LED:
The Battery Trouble Indicator is steady Amber when the Battery is either low (below 20.4 VDC), or disconnected.
Ground Fault LED:
The Ground Fault Indicator is Amber when the Ground Fault Detector detects a Ground Fault on any field wiring.
It is turned off when the Ground Fault is cleared.
Test LED:
Indicates steady Amber when the Fire Alarm Panel is in Walk Test Mode.
Circuit Status LED’s:
These LED’s indicate the Status of Initiating Circuits. They illuminate ...
Alarm :
Steady Red
Alarm Verification or Waterflow Retard in Progress :
Fast Flashing Red (120 flashes per minute)
Pending Alarm (see Circuit Disconnect Controls) :
Fast Flashing Red (120 flashes per minute)
Supervisory :
Steady Amber
Circuit Trouble LED’s:
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