GMAC 5 User Guide
You will not have to upgrade the software unless serious issues are reported and fixed. Your distributor will
contact you if a critical update is required. Never try to upload any *.gam or *.bin files unless instructed to
do so by an authorized distributor or the manufacturer.
Usually, the web user interface file version must exactly match the specific firmware file version, and
therefore you will be asked to upload both .bin and .gam files for an upgrade. Do not change the names of
the files you receive for upgrade. The bootloader will only accept English letters and numbers in the
uploaded file name. The only valid file extensions are “.gam”, “.bin”, and “.mem”.
To perform an upgrade, just choose the relevant file (normally the .bin file goes first) in the upload page and
press the "Upload" button. After you are informed that the upload is finished, choose to upload another file
if required. After all files have been uploaded, press the "Reset" button to return to normal operation.
Saving system settings
You can save the current system configuration values from the "Configuration" web page by selecting the
“Download configuration” button. The configuration will be downloaded with the name “config.mem” to the
location of your choosing.
You can rename the file if you like, but use only Latin (English) letters and numbers in the file name, and
not change the “.mem” extension
, otherwise you may have issues uploading it in the boot loader on a
later stage.
When you need to restore the configuration, simply choose the file through the bootloader upload page and
press the "Upload" button. After you are informed that the upload is finished, press the "Reset" button to
return to normal operation.