Demo script
Use the following script as a guide when demonstrating the Customer App.
Two-factor logon
The Customer App supports two-factor logon for Site Managers and Site
Admins. This feature is provided by FIDO. These users must authenticate
themselves before using the app.
Arm and disarm the site. Arm and disarm individual areas.
Arm the site, then toggle the PIR or Reed Switch. The Siren will illuminate.
Observe the incident in the Customer App.
Demostrate closing the above incident. Demo the Past Incidents page.
Incidents older than 24hrs are automatically closed by the system.
Disarm the site. Open the Customer App and present your phone at the
reader. The phone will communicate with the reader using Bluetooth
Access will be granted. The Door Unlock Relay will illuminate. Toggle the
Door Open Sensor and Door Lock Sensor to simulate opening the door.
Toggle the Door Request to Exit to simulate exiting the site. The Door
Unlock Relay will illuminate.
Remote unlock
Using the Customer App, unlock the door. This is an unlock override that
will unlock the door until the next schedule change.
Door schedule
Explain the door schedule and 'First Card Unlock' feature.
This feature negates public holidays.
Explain the History page.
Local Arming
If the user has internet connectivity on their phone, they can arm and
disarm locally or remotely. Demonstrate arming and disarming without the
internet. Enable Airplane Mode on your phone. Approach the reader (within
the Local Arming Range). Connect to the reader using Bluetooth
. Arm and
disarm the site.
My Team
Explain the My Team page. Invite users to your site. Allocate different roles
so they experience the Customer App.
Note: A Site Member must authenticate themselves to register but after
registration they are not required to logon. They use their phone like a card.
Key Tags
Assign a Key Tag to yourself. Disarm the site, then request access using the
Explain the Settings page. Explain the Late to Arm Notification, Installer
Mode, Contact Installer, and Critical Alert Notifications.