commanded, the controller decelerates at the rate specified by the DC command. The controller then ramps the
velocity in up to the value set with SP in the opposite direction traveling to the new specified absolute position.
Figure 6.3 the velocity profile is triangular because the controller doesn’t have sufficient time to reach the set
speed of 50000 counts/sec before it is commanded to change direction.
The below code is used to simulate this scenario:
PT 1;' Place the X axis in Position tracking mode
AC 150000;'
Set the X axis acceleration to 150000 counts/sec2
DC 150000;'
Set the X axis deceleration to 150000 counts/sec2
SP 50000;'
Set the X axis speed to 50000 counts/sec
PA 5000;'
Command the X axis to abs position 5000 encoder counts
MF 4200
PA 2000;'
Change end point position to position 2000
Example - Motion 3:
In this motion, the host program commands the controller to begin motion towards position 5000, changes the
target to -2000, and then changes it again to 8000. Figure 6.4 shows the plot of position vs. time and velocity vs.
time. Below is the code that is used to simulate this scenario:
PT 1;' Place the X axis in Position tracking mode
AC 150000;' Set the X axis acceleration to 150000 counts/sec2
DC 150000;' Set the X axis deceleration to 150000 counts/sec2
SP 50000;' Set the X axis speed to 50000 counts/sec
PA 5000;' Command the X axis to abs position 5000 encoder counts
WT 300
PA -2000;' Change end point position to -2000
WT 200
PA 8000;' Change end point position to 8000
Figure 6.5 demonstrates the use of motion smoothing (IT) on the velocity profile in this mode. The jerk in the
system is also affected by the values set for AC and DC.
Chapter 6 Programming Motion ▫ 77
DMC-40x0 User Manual
Figure 6.3: Position and Velocity vs Time (msec) for Motion 2