The Polyethylene (flexible black) drain line coming out of the valve on top
of the Softener filter (A) (left side of valve 5000SE) need to be routed to the
drain. This will be the water line that will discharge the dirty water when
the Softener Filter (A) is being cleaned (backwashed) automatically.
Note: Drain line may create flooding if not securing it to the house drain.
Make sure you run a backwash to assure the drain line is secure.
Without Installation Kit:
Prepare the complete piping lines to connect the cartridge filter (B) (blue
canister) with the Softener filter (A) (big cylindrical vessel). You can use the
layout as presented in Figure 2 or Figure 3 for further guidance.
Mount the UV light (D) (if purchased) to the wall with the two wall
mounting saddles included.
Note: Be careful when working with the UV light as bulb is VERY fragile
and may break.
The Polyethylene (flexible black) drain lines coming out of the valve on top
of the Softener filter (A) (left side of valve 5000SE) need to be routed to the
drain. This will be the water line that will discharge the dirty water when
the Softener Filter (A) is being cleaned (backwashed) automatically.
Note: Drain line may create flooding if not securing it to the house drain.
Make sure you run a backwash to assure the drain line is secure.
Close the main water source prior to final installation, and drain water from water
lines to relieve pressure by turning on several faucets inside the house. Procure to
open faucet in the basement or otherwise in ground level.
Using a pipe cutter, cut into the main water supply line and connect the line
coming from the street into the inlet valve (bottom valve) on item #1 (See Figure
#1). Proceed with connecting the discharge line (top valve) on item #1 (See Figure
#1) to the main water supply line that goes into the house.
Note: You will need to cut the main supply line in a matter that you can connect
the inlet and discharge line as seen in Figure 1. Make sure to use the correct
fittings for this installation. Cementing PVC requires primer and Solvent Cement
for PVC applications. Proper preparation is required, and drying time is of
extreme importance prior to opening the water. Make sure you follow
instructions on primer and solvent cement.