Pub. 42004-374A
Model 370-202 Interface Amplifier Assembly for Electro-Sound
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Figure 1. Model 372A Indoor Enclosure Mounting
The indoor enclosure is not supplied with openings for conduit or cable. Drill or punch these openings
using the supplied template before mounting the enclosure. We recommend placing the conduit holes near
the rear surface of the top or bottom of the enclosure. Avoid the top center, as it may interfere with the
plug-in amplifier receptacle.
There are four 5/16-inch diameter mounting holes in the corners of the Model 372A Amplifier Enclosure
See Figure 1. When mounting the enclosure, use caution to avoid damaging the terminal blocks inside.
The suggested mounting height for all station enclosures is 54 inches (137 cm) to the bottom of the
Connect the conduit to the enclosure, then feed the wiring through the conduit into the enclosure. When
wiring the station, follow the wire colors carefully; the colors noted in Figure 2 correspond to GAI-Tronics
60038 Series cable. The wires should be spade-lugged and connected properly to the terminal block. An
improper termination may result in diminished station performance.