StartinG tHe maCHine
Before turning on the machine, make sure that the power button is set to "0".
Lift the right outer lid and remove the
inner lid .
Remove the water tank using the handle.
Press the power button to the "I"
position to turn the machine on .
The display shows a red fl ashing led.
Press the stand-by button to start the
machine .
Fill the tank with fresh drinking water. Do
not exceed the "max" level indicated on
the water tank. Place the water tank back
into the machine .
Insert the plug into the socket located
on the back of the machine and insert
the other end into a power outlet with
suitable current .
Slowly pour coff ee beans into the
hopper .
Replace the inner lid and close the outer
lid .
Lift the left outer lid and remove the
inner lid .
When the correct temperature is
reached, the machine performs a
priming and rinsing cycle of the
internal circuits . A small amount of
water is dispensed. Wait for this cycle
to be completed .
The screen for product dispensing
appears on the display; see page 3.
At fi rst start-up only, the screen (1) will be displayed as shown on page 5. Then, the language can be set from the relevant menu only
(see page 25) .