Vario cooling appliances are fixed at the top and
bottom of the niche, on the side opposite the hinge.
There is no fixation on the hinge side of the appli-
ance, because the finger protection slides in be-
tween the appliance and the adjacent cabinetry.
The side walls of the adjacent cabinetry have to be
dimensionally stable.
Vario cooling appliances can be installed handle-to-
handle as a side-by-side solution. In this case, the
side-by-side installation kit RA 460–000 is required.
With all appliance combinations, the additional
heating element RA 460–011 needs to be installed
between the appliances to avoid condensation.
This additional heating element is not necessary if
the distance between the appliances is greater
than 160 mm, or when the appliances are installed
side-by-side. The heating element does not take up
additional space. It is already included in the niche
dimensions and does not interfere with the finger
If Vario cooling appliances are joined together
hinge-to-hinge, one must plan an additional, dimen-
sionally stable plinth between the appliances for the
finger protection to function properly. If usability
limitations are acceptable (opening both appliance
doors at the same time is not possible), appliances
can be joined directly, using the additional heating
element RA 460–011.
When installing a Vario cooling appliance next to
a BO/BS oven, a side clearance of 60 mm is re-
quired if the BO/BS handle bar is on the same
side as the hinge of the Vario cooling appliance.
RA 460–000
Accessory for side-by-side installation.
RA 460–011
Additional side heating element.
RA 460–020
Connecting element for vertically split
appliance fronts (for a flush front).
RA 460–030
Connecting element for vertically split
fronts (for fridge-freezer combination with one door).
RA 460–040
Finger protection for extra long furni-
ture fronts.
RA 425–110
Handle bar Stainless steel, long.
Length 1131 mm, with three brackets. Drilling dis-
tance between each bracket 554 mm.
RA 425–130
Handle bar Aluminium, long. Length
1131 mm, with three brackets. Drilling distance be-
tween each bracket 554 mm.
RA 425–910
Handle bar Stainless steel, short.
Length 810 mm with two brackets. Drilling distance
between the brackets 787 mm.
RA 425–930
Handle bar Aluminium, short. Length
810 mm with two brackets. Drilling distance between
the brackets 787 mm.
To ensure correct kitchen planning it is essential
to take into account the opening angle of the appli-
ance door (plus fitted cabinet door and handle).
There should be no possibility of collision with
other kitchen furnishings (worktops, handles of
other cabinetry etc.) or parts of the room (walls,
protrusions etc.).
The space needed for the hinge and the conse-
quential distance to the adjacent cabinetry and its
handle can, depending on the panel thickness, be
seen in the following drawing. The drawing as-
sumes a panel thickness of 19 mm.
– Restrict the door opening angle to 90°
(standard 115°)
– Fit a spacer between the appliance and the cabi-
netry that and the cabinet that it would collide with.
– Rearrange surrounding cabinetry or appliance.
Door opening angle
Additional planning notes
Vario cooling appliances
Installation accessories