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User Programming via the DIP Switch & Push Button
Some of the operating parameters of the RailBoss Plus can be modified to meet your individual needs. No pro-
gramming is necessary to get your system up and running, only to modify it, if so desired.
User configurable parameters can be programmed using the 4-position DIP switch, the on-board push-button next
to the DIP switch, and on-board LED. The DIP switch selects the parameter to be programmed, and the LED
flashes the currently selected option. See the programming chart following this discussion for specific instructions.
Parameter 0
Station Stop Dwell Time
The elapsed time spent from a full stop at the station to departure.
Parameter 1
Station Stop Accel/Decel Time
The time it takes to decelerate to a full stop after crossing the station stop magnet. Use this adjustment not only to
make the stop look prototypical, but also to match the characteristics of other locomotives making station stops
using the same magnets. Thus, you don’t have to move the magnets for each locomotive.
Parameter 2
Whistle Operation via Reed Switch
The reed switch at terminals 11&13, triggers the output at terminal 5. By connecting your whistle/horn reed switch
to the RailBoss, instead of directly to the sound board, the RailBoss can now control its operation. The whistle/
horn, especially the grade crossing whistle, gets pretty annoying in a hurry if it sounds every X seconds, lap after
lap, all day long at your open house. This parameter allows you to control the percentage of time, that it actually
sounds;. e.g. at the 50% setting, after crossing the whistle magnet 10 times, the whistle will have only sounded
about 5 times. The triggers are random events, and thus very unpredictable, adding character, and a bit of mys-
tery to your layout.
Parameter 3
Station Stops & Bell Operation via Reed Switch
The reed switch at terminals 12&13, initiates a station stop, if enabled from the transmitter, and also triggers the
output at terminal 6, normally connected to the bell trigger of you sound board. Like the random whistle function
described in Parameter 2, you can randomize your station stops, adding interest for you and your visitors.
Note: When operating in point-to-point trolley mode, using the reversing magnets, you must have pa-
rameter 3 set for 100%.
Otherwise, the loco will run off the end of the track, as the RailBoss will ignore the mag-
nets X% of the time. Multi-Train operations require options 6 thru 9.
Parameter 4
Throttle Momentum
This parameter sets the amount of momentum applied to the throttle when the momentum function is turned ON.
“Momentum” is the length of time it takes to accelerate or decelerate while holding down the Faster or Slower but-
Parameter 5
Direction Control
Loco normally runs in the forward direction at power-up. Set this for reverse at power up to run a loco backwards
in a consist with other locos.
Parameter 6
Number of Battery Cells
This enables low battery warning and determines the basic voltage of your battery pack; 3.7 volts per cell.
Parameter 7
Low Battery Warning Voltage
This setting finely tunes the warning voltage. Trial and error will determine the best setting. Record the elapsed
time between the warning and actual shutdown due either the battery pack protection or the RailBoss hard cut-off.
Adjust this parameter for perhaps 10 minutes between warning and shutdown.