The 45CC Configurations
For your convenience, we have made 45CC available in 12 different pre-configurations.
These are:
45CC Configured with 1/2” Microphones
45CC-1 with Externally Polarized 1/2” Microphones
45CC-2 with Prepolarized 1/2” Microphones
45CC configured with 1/2” externally polarized or prepolarized microphones is primarily intended
as a tool for QC and PL testing of headphones. Except for the mounting of the ear plate assem
blies, they come fully assembled and tested from the factory.
45CC Configured with Ear Simulators
45CC-3 with IEC 60318-1 Ear Simulators and Ext. Polarized 1/2” Microphones
45CC-4 with IEC 60318-1 Ear Simulators and Prepolarized 1/2” Microphones
45CC configured with IEC 60318-1 ear simulators and 1/2” externally polarized or prepolar
ized microphones is primarily intended as a tool for QC and PL testing of headphones. Where the
acoustical load from an ear simulator is required, the use of the IEC 60318-1 ear simulators also
mean that testing according to IEC 60318-1 and ITU-T Recommendations P.57 is possible. Except
for the mounting of the ear plate assemblies, they come fully assembled and tested from the fac
45CC Configured with Mouth Simulator and 1/2” Microphones
45CC-5 with Mouth Simulator and Ext. Polarized 1/2” Microphones
45CC-6 with Mouth Simulator and Prepolarized 1/2” Microphones
45CC configured with 1/2” externally polarized or prepolarized microphones and the GRAS 44AA
Mouth Simulator is primarily intended as a tool for QC and PL testing of communication headsets.
Except for the mounting of the ear plate assemblies and the mouth simulator, they come fully as
sembled and tested from the factory.
45CC Configured with Mouth Simulator and Ear Simulators
45CC-7 Mouth Simulator, IEC 60318-1 Ear Simulators and Ext. Polarized 1/2” Microphones
45CC-8 Mouth Simulator, IEC 60318-1 Ear Simulators and Prepolarized 1/2” Microphones
45CC configured with IEC 60318-1 ear simulators, 1/2” externally polarized or prepolarized mi
crophones and the GRAS 44AA Mouth Simulator is primarily intended as a tool for QC and PL test
ing of communication headsets. Where the acoustical load from an ear simulator is required, the
use of the IEC 60318-1 ear simulators also mean that testing according to IEC 60318-1 and ITU-T
Recommendations P.57 is possible.
Except for the mounting of the ear plate assemblies and the mouth simulator, they come fully as
sembled and tested from the factory.
Instruction Manual
6 | GRAS 45CC Headphone Test Fixture