Before connecting the expansion module it is needed to set AF2 (AUX input
function No. 2) at LOOP button settings (footswitch No. 8) and to choose cb2 or cb3
change bank mode (by using BANK UP/BANK DOWN footswitches). The module
should be connected to the AUX connector. The cable is 350 mm long and its surplus
should be put inside the module.
Controlling via MIDI
Connect cable with MIDI signal to the MIDI IN input and set MIDI channel to
receive the commands by using MIDI CHANNEL switch.
The arrow-head indicates
set channel (A, B, C, D, E, F letters correspond with 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
channels numbers and “0” digit indicates channel No. 16).
The module receives program Change commends in the range from 1 to 100
(program No. 100 corresponds with preset No. P00). It posses MIDI THRU output
with copy of MIDI IN signal.