6. Display Monitor
1. Window shows
1.1 "TIME "window
shows the running time.Forward travel-time is from
0:00~99:59,countdown is count to 0 from the set time
set cope 5:00~99:00
,when count
to 0:00,the machine will stop slowly
“CALORRIES” window:forward count from
0~990,when forward countdown reaches the top point,it will recount.When calories
count down
calories set cope 20.0~990.0
,it will count to 0 from the set point,when
count to 0:00,the machine will stop slowly.When in motion state,press”M” key,the
window will switch from Time,Calories,Distance,Step
1.2 “SPEED” window:shows the current running speed,set cope is0.5~6.5mph
1.3 “DISTANCE” window:shows the current movement distance.Forward countdown is
from 0.0~99.9 ,when forward count down reaches the top point,it will recount.When
distance count down
distance set cope 1.00~99.00
it will count to 0 from the set
point,the machine will stop slowly.“STEP ”window:Forward step count is
from0~9999.when forward countdown reaches the top point,it will recount.
Functional instruction
2.1 Sports Mode:Press start key to start the machine SPEED window will count from“3 2
1 ”,default speed is 0.8KM,press“+”“-” to adjust speed.
2.2 Countdown Mode:when in standby,press“M”key to choose Time,Distance,Calories
Press “+”“-” to set relevant data.After setting,press“start/stop” to start the treadmill,it will
count down from the set data,when count to 0,the machine will stop by itself.
2.3 Pre-set Program
P01~P12):choose one program,then press “+”“-” to set the running time
time set cope 5:00~99:00,default time is30:00),press “start/stop” to start the machine,it will
run according to the pre-set speed,speed change according to the time ”