Wiring shown overleaf will disconnect the battery when you
remove the jack plug from the input, and also when a DC
plug is inserted.
Snap the little metal tag off the pot to mount it
flush in the box.
You MUST use some kind of heat sink on the
legs of the transistors and diodes when
soldering. They aren’t keen on heat. Any more
than 3-4 seconds of iron and they’re toast.
Recommended assembly order:
Resistors, Caps, Transistors, Diodes, Wires, Pots
I’ve incorporated the Current Limiting Resistor for the LED
into the board for your pleasure.
Be VERY careful when bending
the legs of the 1N34A.
The case breaks very easily. I recommend using needle-
nosed pliers pressed up against the case to grip the leg,
then bend it with your fingers so no pressure is directly
applied to where the leg enters the casing. That does mean
you’ll have to bend them past 90° to get them to fit the hole,
and have the case sitting well above the PCB (or you could
seat them vertically like the 1N4001), but better than broken
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