As the GAIN and BOOST controls on this babe are actually
Boner Boost circuits, they will produce a crackle when you
adjust them. This is normal. Panic not.
At full crank this circuit puts out a LOT of signal, so
always start off with the ‘BOOST’ turned right back.
Snap the little metal tag off the pots to mount them flush
in the box.
You MUST use some kind of heat sink on the legs of the diodes and the
BS170s when soldering. They aren’t keen on heat. Any more than 3-4
seconds of iron and they’re toast.
ALL the components mount on the top side of the board. It’s also
recommended that all wires go this side, thus cutting down the risk of
anything shorting on the lid of the enclosure when finished.
- leave these out until you’re boxing it all up - see later.
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