There’s plenty of space in there, but you may need to turn the jack sockets
one way or the other to ensure you clear the PCB.
Turn your pots as shown to clear the jack sockets.
What about my LEDs?
Pre-drilled enclosures are supplied with 3mm holes for the LEDs, rather than
larger ones that require a mounting bezel. Why? Because you can hold the LED
securely in place with the PCB. When you come to box up your lovely new circuit,
get the pots in place first. Then the jacks. Now, slide your LEDs all the way into
the PCB (short leg to square pad) and bend the legs ever so slightly so they don’t
fall out. Alternatively put a little bluetac on there. Now locate your footswitches
into place and tighten.
When everything is secure, let your LEDs slide down into the holes - use some
needle-nosed pliers or skinny fingers to position them fully in the holes. I won’t
kid you, its a little fiddly but worth it for the neat finish you’ll get.
No bezel = happy pedal.
Once in place, solder. Those little lights aren’t going anywhere!
Hang on - there’s an extra pad next to the Tone Boost LED. Yes - you can use a
common-cathode tri-colour LED if you like, to show a different colour depending
on selection, rather than the standard on-off with a normal LED.