pushing backwards, there is a risk that only the tip of the saw rail will make contact with the
wood and cause a kickback. Risk of death or extremely severe injuries!
Felling a tree
Risk of injury!
Felling and limbing work may be performed by trained persons only! There is a risk of
life-threatening injuries!
Before starting felling work, ensure that:
there are no unauthorised persons and no animals within the fall area (A) of the tree;
there is an obstacle-free escape route for all those involved. People withdraw (B) at an angle
opposite the direction of fall;
the area around the trunk is free of obstacles (risk of tripping!);
the next workplace is at least two and a half tree lengths away. Before felling the tree, check
the direction in which the tree will fall and ensure that there are neither objects nor persons
or animals within a distance of 2½ tree lengths.
A tree is felled in two stages:
Notch the trunk by approx. one third of its diameter on the side of the direction of fall (1.).
On the opposite side make the felling cut (2.) which must be slightly higher than the notch
(approx. 3–5 cm).