00026590.DOC, Version 1.1
• Press
, the display shows
. You successfully downloaded the first scene.
• Adjust the Step-time as described above.
Call up the second scene in your controller now.
• Repeat steps 5-11 until all desired scenes are downloaded.
• Press
to exit. The number of steps can be defined under
and the scenes can be called up
Error Messages
When you turn on the fixture, it will make a reset first. The display may show “XXEr” while there are
problems with one or more channels. “XX” stands for the channels equipped with a testing sensor.
For example, when the display shows “04Er”, it means there is some error in channel 4. If there are
some errors on channel 1, channel 2, channel 4 at the same time, you may see the error message
“01Er”, “02Er”,”04Er” flash repeatly for 5 times, and then the fixture will generate a reset signal, all
the stepper motors will reset. If the error messages maintain after performing reset more than 3
times, it will detect whether the fixture has more than 3 errors. If the fixture has more than 3 errors
(including 3 errors), all the channels can not work properly; but if the fixture has less than 3 errors,
only the channels which have errors can not work properly, others can work as usual.
(PAN-yoke movement error) This message will appear after the reset of the fixture if the yoke’s magnetic-
indexing circuit malfunction (sensor failed or magnet missing) or the stepping-motor is defective (or its driving
IC on the main PCB). The yoke is not located in the default position after the reset.
(TILT-head movement error) This message will appear after the reset of the fixture if the head’s magnetic-
indexing circuit malfunctions (sensor failed or magnet missing) or the stepping-motor is defective (or its
driving IC on the main PCB). The head is not located in the default position after the reset.
(Color-wheel error) This message will appear after the reset of the fixture if the magnetic-indexing circuit
malfunctions (sensor failed or magnet missing) or the stepping-motor is defective (or its drive circuit on the
main PCB). The color wheel is not located in the default position after the reset.
(Effect-wheel error) This message will appear after the reset of the fixture and if the magnetic-indexing circuit
malfunctions (sensor failed or magnet missing) or the stepping-motor is defective (or its driver circuit on the
main PCB). The effect-wheel is not located in the default position after the reset.
(Zoom error) This message will appear after the reset of the fixture and if the magnetic-indexing circuit
malfunctions (sensor failed or magnet missing) or the stepping-motor is defective (or its driver circuit on the
main PCB). The zoom is not located in the default position after the reset.