5) Latitude and longitude will be displayed on the
screen graph.
- Blue line means solar position and orbit.
- Red point means solar position (atmospheric
refraction included in measurement) with
current time.
: Red point will only indicate during day
time and not available during night time]
- The angle of current solar azimuth and
elevation is shown with the number of degree.
5.3.3. Antenna position analysis operation
1) Click “Antenna_pointing_Analysis.exe” on the DPU
desktop or installed folder to start software.
2) Drag & Drop the observed data folder icon
(observed from solar_position) into
[Radar_data_path] or click folder icon to choose
the data folder.
3) Click [ ] mark in the menu bar to start the
program to see a graph of observed data files
(.scn, .rhi, .sppi). (Refer to “Operator’s manual”
for file type descriptions.)
4) The right sample screen shot is a solar scanning
result using Sector RHI scan.
5) The [Spectrum] graph is the solar radiation
6) Graph of [Solar_Azimuthal_Angle] and [Solar_
Elevation_Angle] will be calculated in the value of
the solar altitude and azimuth during observed
7) It determines the precise antenna position by
comparing the peak of solar radiation intensity and
the calculated solar altitude value.
8) Figure 5.7shows two or more observed measured
solar data points (All data must be acquired using
same scan mode).
9) The [solar vs. antenna] graph shows the Sector RHI
upward elevation point plot peak in blue color and
the downward plot peak in red color. (Antenna
moves up and down to scan solar radiation)
It is determined by solar radiation peak value that
estimated the Gaussian (normal) distribution
It simply and precisely checks the antenna graph.
Sector PPI will rotate clockwise and counterclockwise during antenna scan.
10) Graph of [3D plot] displays multiple observed data. It can capture the solar intensity in 3 dimensions
using sector scan:
Color indicates solar radiation intensity / Horizontal indicates azimuth / Vertical indicates elevation.
Figure 5.4
Figure 5.6: rhi before
Figure 5.7: rhi after
Figure 5.5: Antenna_position_analysis