SP – 3
(7) Audio Output
Internal speaker: 2 W/ 8 ohms
External speaker: 4 W/ 4 ohms
Line output:
0 dBm/ 600 ohms
(8) Standard Features
Scan, Sweep, Noise Blanker, Voice-activated Squelch
(1) Tuning System
CPU controlled fully automatic tuning system
(2) Frequency Range
1.6 MHz to 27.5 MHz
(3) Input Impedance
50 ohms (viewed from transceiver)
(4) Antenna
7 m to 18 m wire or whip a wire
(5) Tuning Power
10 W
(6) VSWR
less than 1.5
(7) Tuning Time
0.2 to 2 seconds typical (within 2 to 15 seconds.)
(8) Dummy Load
10 ohms + 250 pF mounted in the coupler
(9) Power Source
18 VDC: supplied from transceiver unit
(10) Antenna BK relay
Internal, optional supply