Furuno FS-5075 (500 W) Quick Manual Download Page 2

Reliable MF/HF Radiotelephone  

for general and distress communications  

with integrated DSC/DSC Watch Receiver

MF/HF radiotelephone with DSC facility

Fully meets GMDSS carriage requirements for SOLAS ships operating in A3 and A4 sea areas

Meets the new ITU recommendation on digital selective calling system for use in the Maritime 
Mobile Service, ITU-R M.493-13

High-contrast 4.3" bright color LCD (480x272 pixels)

Capable of distress, safety and routine communication

Instant selection of 256 user-specified channels with a rotary knob or direct keypad input

Quick access to DSC message composition by dedicated keys on the control unit

Full-duplex kit available (optional supply for the FS-5075 only)

Quick access to dedicated functions in the menu operation using numeric keypad

MF/HF Radiotelephone


(250 W)


(500 W)


  Volume/Power knob :

Sound volume control/Switching of Power ON/OFF


  RF GAIN knob :

Adjustment of reception gain


Press to activate/deactivate RF attenuator



Long-press to transmit a DSC distress alert



Composition of DSC message for distress alert


Composition of DSC message except for distress alert and DROBOSE (DSC relay on behalf of someone else*)

     Press             +           



Composition of DSC message for DROBOSE



Activation of the brilliance control dialog box


Activation of tab segment control on the screen


Opening/closing of the menu dialog box


Deactivates alarm/deletion of error and pop-up messages/halting of DSC message composition/exiting from the 

message composition dialog box/distress cancellation/returning to a previous menu level


Switching the speaker ON/OFF


  PUSH TO ENTER knob :

Shifts the selector and pointer/adjusts the degree of parameter, i.e., brilliance and switch over the display mode

Press to confirm the entered values



Switches to the DSC SCAN mode/if pressed during the DSC SCAN mode, routine scan will be halted


Sets to 2182 kHz SSB


Switches to radiotelephone mode, and if pressed in radiotelephone mode, channel setting box will be summoned


Used to enter the following number and symbols (. @ - _ / : 1) as well as quick access to short cut function


Used to enter A, B, C and 2, and to switch noise blanker setting ON/OFF


Used to enter D, E, F and 3, and to switch squelch setting ON/OFF


Used to enter G, H, I and 4 as well as quick access to short cut function


Used to enter J, K, L and 5, and to switch noise reduction setting ON/OFF


Used to enter M, N, O and 6


Used to enter P, Q, R, S and 7 as well as quick access to short cut function


Used to enter T, U, V and 8, and to switch notch filter ON/OFF


Used to enter W, X, Y, Z and 9 


Used to reduce the receiver volume of the handset/to shift the pointer in channel/frequency selection dialog box


Used to enter the number “0” , space and the following symbols (! “ # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ - `{ } ~)/

to tune impedance between an antenna and a transceiver


Used to raise the receiver volume of the handset/to shift the pointer in channel/frequency selection dialog box

Numbers are assigned for each of the menu items, and the operator 
can access each of the menu items either by turning and pressing 
PUSH  TO  ENTER  knob  to  select  menu  items  or  simply  pressing 
number on the numeric keypad.

Simplified menu operation











Control Panel

* composition and relay of the occurrence of a distress event obtained by non-DSC means
