C63 Speed reference, water or GPS
This function is only used when the instrument is connected in
the Nexus Network. When [BSP] is selected, the reference is
water speed provided by the log transducer for calculation of
true Wind speed and angle, VMG and NXT function together
with the BTW.
When [SOG] is selected, the reference is speed over ground.
the boat must be moving to give correct readings. We also recommend you to
use differential GPS to get good readings.
C64 Wind trim reference
This default reference for Wind angle trim. Each time the
instrument is powered up and apparent Wind angle is selected
as trim reference this value will be pre-set.
C68 Roll adjustment
This adjustment is valid only if roll is selected in C73 (you have
to exit and enter the calibration again after C73 is set to Roll.)
Adjustment of the roll offset. Mount the roll transducer according
to the instructions. Adjust the offset so the roll is displaying 00°
when the boat is horizontal. By entering a minus sign [-] in front
of the value the roll will be decreased by the value. When the offset is without a minus
sign, it will be added. When a roll transducer is connected the Wind- speed and angle
will be compensated for roll and accuracy is increased.
The roll sensor is not yet available (at the time for this manual).
C69 Pitch adjustment
This adjustment is valid only if roll is selected in C73 (you have
to exit and enter the calibration again after C73 is set to Roll).
Adjustment of the pitch offset. Mount the pitch transducer
according to the instructions. Adjust the offset so the pitch is
displaying 00° when the boat is horizontal. By entering a minus sign [-] in front of the
value the roll will be decreased by the value. When the offset is without a minus sign, it
will be added. When a pitch transducer is connected the Wind speed and angle will be
compensated for pitch and accuracy is increased. Pitch does not affect Wind speed
and angle as much as roll.