P S - 8 R - P O W E R C O N D I T I O N E R / S E q u E N C E R
The “memory” is independent of the front panel on/
off rocker switch. This means that even if the unit is
sequenced OFF by the rocker switch on the front panel,
when the rocker switch is turned back on the unit will
sequence back on —it will not be necessary to push
the START ON-OFF SEquENCE button again. The
unit will “remember” its state until the incoming power
is lost at which time it will default back to OFF.
The front panel rocker is not the primary means of
control in momentary mode and should normally be
left ON. It may be a useful secondary means of control
in the rare case where several PS-8R’s are in parallel
and there is some reason to shut down one unit without
affecting the others.
Because it is a maintained-contact switch, the RS-1 is
not an appropriate remote switch for the PS-8R when
it is in momentary mode. The momentary-contact RS-2
would be the correct choice.
MultiPle units
More than one PS-8R can be used to manage loads
that exceed 15 amps. The power input for each PS-
8R should come from a separate 15 amp AC circuit.
To control multiple PS-8R’s remotely with one or
more remote switches, connect the REM, +12V, and
GND terminals of all units together. Be sure that the
mode (momentary or maintained) of all units is set
the same. Connect a single maintained switch or one
or more momentary switches to the nearest PS-8R,
as discussed above. If you are unsure whether your
building’s wiring can accommodate multiple fully-
loaded PS-8R’s, consult a qualified electrician.
If multiple PS-8R’s are controlled by one or more
momentary remote switches, they will all change state
(from ON to OFF or vice versa) on each rising edge of
the voltage on the REM terminal. All remote switches
or grey pushbuttons on any unit’s front panel will toggle
all of the units ON. The rocker switch on each unit’s
front panel will turn OFF any individual unit currently
ON without affecting the other units.
To address the unusual (hopefully rare) instance when
several PS-8R’s in parallel fall out of sync, resulting in
some units turning ON and others turning OFF when
a remote button is pushed, the remote signal line has
a special feature:
Holding the REM line high for at least 4 seconds
(whether by an actual remote switch or by any unit’s
front panel switch) will force all units to the OFF state,
putting them back in sync. This is the only way to re-
sync units other than disconnecting AC power to all the
units. Remember — operating the front panel rocker
switch does NOT affect the stored state of the unit, even
though it does temporarily turn the outputs OFF.
status terMinal
The STATuS terminal is an output that may be used
to illuminate an LED at the remote location to indicate
that power is available at the PS-8R’s outlets. If it is
high (+12V), the unit
ON (or at least in the process
of sequencing ON); if it is low, the unit is OFF (or
sequencing OFF). Simply connect the indicator LED
between STATuS and GND (do not use a series
resistor). If the LED does not light when the switch is
in the ON position, check the polarity and reverse the
LED leads (if needed).
In Maintained Mode, the DELAY 1 LED on the PS-8R
blinks whenever the unit is OFF (the remote switch is
in the OFF position).
In Momentary Mode, the LED blinks if the “memorized”
state is OFF.
tHree year
saVe your sales receipt!
The receipt is your
proof of purchase and confirms the product was
purchased at an authorized Furman dealer. It will
need to be submitted to Furman in order to process
any warranty claims.
Furman, a brand of Panamax Inc., warrants its PS-8R
(the “Product”) as follows:
Furman warrants to the original purchaser of the
product that the product sold hereunder will be
free from defects in material and workmanship for