ATR833A / P/N 833A-(1xx)-(1xx)
Operation and Installation
Dokument-Nr.: 01.1411.010.71e / Revision: 2.00
4.6.3 Audio-Input
The external audio input can be used for the input of warn tones or music
etc. In order to avoid disturbances while this input is not used, the
respective wire needs to be short-circuited. Therefore connect PIN4 to
With cable sets available from Funkwerk Avionics the external audio-
input (cinch jack) is already short-circuited by a blind plug. This blind plug
can be easily removed in order to use the external audio input
If the external audio wire (PIN4) is not used it needs to be
short-circuited with GND, in order to avoid disturbances
received through that wire.
4.6.4 Remote Control Panel
In tandem-seated aircrafts it is possible to control the ATR833A by a
remote control panel (ATR600RT Remote Control Unit).
The choice of the remote control depends onto the software
version of the ATR833A:
Version up to SW V6.3 are remote controlled by the
ATR600RT with 4-knob interface.
Versions starting from SW V6.4 on are remote controlled by
the ATR600RT with 2-knob interface.
If you use a ATR600RT with 4-knob-interface, please
indicate in case of repairs and software updates that no
SW version larger than V6.3 may be installed!