Major BOS 4VD/8VD
3.Control elements
Internal voice recorder
In order to further accomodate the common needs of a dispatcher workstaton, we added an
internal voice recorder
functonality as a new feature of our control panels Major BOS 4VD and
Major BOS 8VD. If the voice recorder is available and actvated, all outgoing and incoming
conversatons are recorded. Depending on conversaton actvity, approx. the last half an hour is
available to be replayed.
The user can
actvate the repla: functon
via the Major's menu. If available, the functon is located
below the
group selecton
item. Actvaton directly results in replaying the most recent
conversaton. Navigatng through all recorded calls is possible in a convenient way using the
. Using long press of +/- you can move forward/backward through the conversaton in
contnuously. To allow precise orientaton the tme of the call is always displayed, as well as the
caller's alias, ID and the actvated talk group (depending on which informaton is available in the
respectve setup). Using the
menu/OK buton
the replay can be paused and re-contnued.
This opton is a selling feature. In order to use it, the connected
FT638 digital radio box
needs to
be equipped with
opton FULLL
Voice recorder displa: item
MBOSVD_eng (24.09.21)