Fulltone PlimSoul Manual Download Page 1

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For many years you've basically had only two choices for your Overdrive/Distortion pedals: You could get 



pedals like the Tube Screamer, Fulldrive2, OD-1, etc. which get their distortion via diodes placed in the feedback loop of an 

Opamp. This type of clipping is generally favored by the folks wanting a more clean, compressed, low-to-medium gained 

Overdrive sound. The other choice you’ve had is 


pedals like the RAT, Dis, Boss DS-1, etc. which 

create their clipping using diodes to ground...or unique to the Fulltone OCD, clipping that goes to the half-way point 

between 9volt and ground, a place called “Vref.” These type of pedals are generally favored by Hard-Rockers for their 

tight, less compressed, heavily distorted tones. 

Is there a pedal that offers both? There is now. I invented and Patented (Patent # 8471136) the PlimSoul’s completely 

unique dual stage clipping circuit which very accurately replicates not only the sound, but the 


 of a tube amp with all of 

its subtleties and complexities


The PlimSoul has those Softer Bluesy, Compressed sounds, and even handles the more open-sounding slightly dirty 

Boost jobs as well. So don’t assume it’s just


a wild, high-gain Monster, although you can turn up the “Sustain” knob and it 

gets very Hi-Gain...and then if you need 


 there’s also has a second Clipping Stage that you can roll in with the turn of 

a little dial to add that firmer, crunchier, British output tube style Distortion! What's more is you not only hear and feel 

it...you can SEE the pedal reacting to your every mood via a fiery LED that glows brighter and dimmer depending on how 

distorted it is and how hard you're hitting it. 

Touch sensitive? 

Doesn't get any better. 

Does it clean up when the guitar’s volume knob is turned down? 

Yes, more than 

any other pedal I’ve tried. 

Is it friendly with Humbuckers as well as Single coils?


Does it play nice with other pedals?

 Yes, it has an Ideal 500K Input Impedance, ideal super low 10K Output Impedance. 

How dirty does it get? 

Very dirty, the dirtiest pedal I make...but gets very clean as well. 

Can I blend the 2 types of Distortion?

  Yes, that’s the reason I believe this pedal is the most flexible and wide-ranging 

distortion ever built...the combinations are endless, allowing you to have only Soft clipped or only Hard Clipped, or both!

In a Nutshell the Fulltone PlimSoul has extremely good Sustain/Feedback qualities, just the right amount of Mids & 

Bottom, great touch sensitivity, dynamics, and all those in-between shades available when you know how to use your 

guitar's volume control. ...Play on!                                 






            Michael Fuller/President 


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