Fulltone Musical Products PlimSoul MKII Owner'S Manual Download Page 2

 C  2021 FMP Inc. All Rights Reserved



knob (see #1 in diagram to the right): Controls the loudness of the pedal when it is 

turned ON.


knob (#2): Controls the amount of Soft-Clipping (Overdrive) produced when the pedal is 

turned on. Clockwise (CW) increases Overdrive.


(#3): When this is lit-up the pedal is ON.

HARD-CLIP mini-knob

 (#4): Controls the amount of Hard-Clipping (Distortion) when pedal is ON. Turn 

CW to increase Distortion. 


This knob makes a slight scraping noise...that is normal! Although is 

sounds like a dirty pot, it’s actually just the sound of the bias changing on the JFET as it’s being used 

for gain-makeup.

3-position BASS switch (#5)

: Located right before the Hard-Clipping stage, this loss-less Bass control 

is way more effective than a standard Bass design. “Min” offers the minimum amount of Bass, “Half” 

offers about twice as much, and “Max” offers the maximum amount of Bass. 


 Playing through a 

4x12” Cabinet? Try “Min” or “Half” position.

TREBLE mini-knob (#6):

 Reduces the amount of Treble when turned Counterclockwise (CCW). Your 

setting may change depending on the degree of both the Soft and Hard clipping chosen.

Battery access THUMBSCREWS (#7):

 Unscrew both by turning CCW until they detach completely. 

Then pull both sections of the housing apart. Battery is located down by the footswitch.

ON/OFF footswitch (#8):

 Pressing this switch turns the pedal ON & OFF. This pedal employs 

Full-Bypass Switching for the purest sound and minimal tone-loss when the pedal is switched OFF.

INPUT jack (#10):

 Plug the cable from your guitar (or the OUT of another pedal) into this. The pedal will 

not turn on unless there is a cable plugged in to this jack. 



If you are power this pedal with a 

battery, always remember to unplug the cable from this jack. when not in use to preserve battery life, 

even if pedal is turned OFF. If you are using an external power supply, you do not have to remove the 

cable from the INPUT when not in use, and the battery will not die as long as anything is plugged into 

the DC jack.

OUTPUT Jack (#9): 

Plug a cable from this jack to the amp’s INPUT or to another pedal’s INPUT.

DC POWER jack (#11)

: Use a industry-standard “Negative to Center” power supply, as shown in the 

following diagram:                    99% of wallwart power supplies hiss, hum, or make a screeching noise 

because they are poorly designed. Use only professional-grade, regulated power like the 





 For multiple-output power supplies we recommend Voodoo lab products as many 

others claim to be isolated and regulated yet are actually not.


Fulltone products carry a Limited 5 year Warranty to the original owner with proof of purchase that the product was bought direct or from an 

Authorized Fulltone Dealer. The Warranty covers failure due to manufacturing errors only and is void if any mod or repair is performed by anyone other than 

Fulltone AND/OR if we deem that any operator-caused abuse or damage has occurred, for example; the use of an incorrect power supply, a dropped pedal, water 

damage, etc. Customer is responsible for all shipping costs both to and from Fulltone. Do not call, instead all repair issues are handled via email to troubleshoot 

the possible problem and (after troubleshooting) for the scheduling of Warranty Repair. After we have deemed that a repair is necessary, we will email you an 

Acrobat PDF copy of our Return Authorization Form (RA Form) and print it out, fill out all information, and include it with the device you are sending. Fulltone 

Musical Products Inc. is not responsible for and injuries and/or damages related to the use of our products.













Blues/Rock Rhythm

(Neck PU, amp set clean)

Plexi Crunch

(small amp set clean)

Singing *umble-style Lead tone

(amp set clean or slight breakup)

EJ-style Liquid Lead tone

(amp set clean or slight breakup)


Fulltone Musical Products Inc.

11018 Washington Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232

for more info and expanded information & videos go to www.fulltone.com

Sales questions: www.fulltone.com/contact-us

Register your product: www.fulltone.com/contact/product-registration

Repairs or Technical questions: www.fulltone.com/contact/fulltone-repair-process

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