Appendix A Messages
A.1 Warning messages
WARNING: fjulsa#: Device is using a hilevel intr
Hilevel interrupt handler was specified to be the fjulsa driver. Installed memory may be insufficient. If the amount of
memory does not seem to be the problem, contact a support representative.
WARNING: fjulsa#: cannot allocate soft state
Acquisition of a control domain went wrong into attach of the fjulsa driver. Installed memory may be insufficient. If the
amount of memory does not seem to be the problem, contact a support representative.
WARNING: fjulsa#: cannot get soft state
Acquisition of state information went wrong into attach of the fjulsa driver. Installed memory may be insufficient. If the
amount of memory does not seem to be the problem, contact a support representative.
ulsa_config_space_init failed
Initialization of PCI configuration register went wrong into attach of the fjulsa driver. Please refer to the following columns.
cannot map configuration space
not supported vendor ID (#)
LSILogic PCI device (1000,#) not supported
map setup failed
An operating register could not be mapped while the fjulsa driver was being attached. Installed memory may be insufficient.
If the amount of memory does not seem to be the problem, contact a support representative.
get iblock cookie failed
An area for registering an interrupt handler could not be allocated while the fjulsa driver was being attached. Installed
memory may be insufficient. If the amount of memory does not seem to be the problem, contact a support representative.