Description of sections
pg. 2
Sec. equitherm. T
- actual temperature computed by equithermal curve for secondary circuit and access to
quithermal curve settings (same principle as the primary circuit)
Attenuation time
- attenuation settings for output water temperature and potential outdoor unit power limit
after a certain time. Two time zones for every day. Inside of the time zone heat pump works normally and
outside of time zone is in attenuation. When attenuation is active (outside time zone), output water temperature
is decreased by the value set on last page of attenuation time schedule. If the attenuation si set to 0°C, time
schedele have not got any influence to output water temperature except outdoor unit power (if is enabled).
Outdoor unit power limit you can set in Settings -> Outdoor unit max power and switch Only in the attenuation
must be set to ON.
pg. 1
Required DHW temperature
- required DHW temperature (recommended 44-48 °C)
Required DHW hysteresis TUV
- required hysteresis (define temperature difference when starts DHW heating)
DHW el. heating delay
- define time to DHW heating by heat pump; after this time is is DHW heated by electric
heater and heat pump is used for object heating.
- switch ON / OFF DHW tank desinfection; on a fixed time (saturday 1:00 - 10:00) tank is heated by
electric heater to selected temperature
Required DHW desin. temp.
- required tank temperature for legionella desinfection (min 60°C)
Follow en. tariff for DHW heating
- DHW heating is blocked by electricity supplier high energy tariff
pg. 2
DHW circulation
- DHW circulator operation control (if is installed)
Circulation time schedule
- DHW circulator time schedule (two time zones per day)
DHW heating time schedule
- DHW heating time schedule (one time zone per day)
Graphs of important values
pg. 1
Output water
pg. 2
Required power
pg. 3
Outdoor temperature
pg. 4
DHW temperature
pg. 5
Object temperature
- Graphs