- Glossary
Compact disk read only memory. This is a form of digital data storage which is read optically with a
laser rather than a magnetic head. A typical CD-ROM can contain about 600MB of data and is not
subject to heads crashing into the surface and destroying the data when there is a failure nor to wear
from reading.
Range of narrow-band frequencies used by the WLAN device to transmit data. IEEE802.11b/g - 11
channels, 22 MHz wide channels.
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor random access memory. This is a technology for
manufacturing random access memory which requires very low levels of power to operate.
COM Port
Abbreviation for communication port. This is your serial interface connection.
An instruction which you give your operating system. Example: run a particular application or format
a floppy disk.
The combination of hardware and software that makes up your system and how it is allocated for use.
Cathode Ray Tube. A display device which uses a beam of electronic particles striking a luminescent
screen. It produces a visual image by varying the position and intensity of the beam.
The information a system stores and processes.