- Glossary
Kilobyte. One thousand bytes.
Local Area Network. An interconnection of computers and peripherals within a single limited geographic
location which can pass programs and data amongst themselves.
Liquid Crystal Display. A type of display which makes images by controlling the orientation of crystals
in a crystalline liquid.
Lithium ion Battery
A type of rechargeable battery which has a high power-time life for its size and is not subject to the
memory effect as Nickel Cadmium batteries.
LPT Port
Line Printer Port. A way of referring to parallel interface ports because historically line printers were the
first and latter the most common device connected to parallel ports.
MAC Address
Media Access Control Address. A unique physical address of a network card. For Ethernet, the first three
bytes are used as the vendor code, controlled and assigned by IEEE. The remaining three bytes are
controlled by each vendor (preventing overlap), therefore, every Ethernet card is given a unique physical
address in the world, being assigned with a different address from other cards. For Ethernet, frames are
sent and received based on this address.
Megabyte. One million bytes.
1,000,000 cycles per second.
A repository for data and applications which is readily accessible to your LIFEBOOK notebook’s CPU.