but it has not been charged.
To charge the auxiliary battery, install a
charged main battery in the iPAD.
>>Reference>> Section 1.2.4, "Charging the
auxiliary battery"
3 Using
3.1 Power
3.1.1 Turning on the iPAD (resume mode)
With the power off, press the Power key until the
LED lights in green.
The iPAD is turned on, the screen light, and the LED goes off.
Turning on the iPAD for the first time:
The initial installation screen appears when you turn on the iPAD for the first time or you initialize
the system.
See the "i
PAD (IPAD100-xx) Systems Users Guide
" for information about performing setup.
Turning on the iPAD after the first time:
The screen that was displayed when you stopped the last time is displayed.
During resume processing (the green LED is
on), do not remove the main battery or press
the Reset button. Either of these actions may
cause the data in memory to be lost.
3.1.2 Turning off the iPAD (suspend mode)
With the power on, press the Power key.
The screen turns black and the iPAD is turned off.