By default the board is working with a 4MHz crystal as the main oscillation
clock, so internal clock rates up to 16MHz can be generated using the internal
PLL of the µC. Two separate RS232 transceiverss can be used to connect directly
the two on-chip UARTs to the 9 pin D-Sub connectors. The transceivers generate
the adequate RS232 levels for the receive (RXD) and transmit (TXD) lines. The
DTR line of the connector is hardwired to the DSR line. The RTS signal can be
shortcut to CTS using the DIL switch setting. The UART1 interface (X3) is
always used for the in-circuit serial programming of the MB90F562/L.
If the board is used as an emulator target board, the microcontroller must be
removed from the socket and the corresponding probe cable has to be plugged in
instead. For the FPT-64P-M09 package (64 pin QFP package), use the probe
cable MB2132-461. For the DIP-64P-M01 package (64 pin DIL package), use the
probe cable MB2132-434.
All pins of the Microcontrollers are connected to the edge connectors J16-J19. So
all pins are directly available.
Note: The pin numbers of the connectors correspond to the pin numbers of
the QFP socket only! For the DIL package please use the cross reference
table at the end of this document.
The on-board line regulator allows to connect a regulated DC input voltage
b7.5V to +12V. In case of any modifications of the board, the user has to
take care for the complete power consumption. To avoid any possible damages an
additional heat sink for the line regulator can be mounted if necessary.
There are three push buttons on the board; one Reset button and two buttons
which can be used for external interrupts.
Eight user LEDs are connected via a 1K pull up resistor network to Port 0. If this
port is used for something else, the resistor network can be removed in order to
disconnect the LEDs.
The operating mode of the microcontroller can be selected by the mode pin
setting. This setting can be done by the DIP switch S1 located on the board.
This chapter describes all jumpers and switches which can be modified on the
evaluation board. The default setting is shown with a gray shaded area. All
jumpers and switches are named directly on the board by its meaning, so it is very
easy to set the jumpers according to the features.
Summary of Contents for Flash-64P-M01
Page 21: ...Flash 64P M01 M09 Page 21 ...