Floppy Disk Access
This item appears when ‘Supervisor Password’ is set. Set the right to use floppy disk
- All (Initial value)
All users can use floppy disk drives.
- Supervisor
Only the supervisor can use floppy disk drives when ‘Password on Boot’ is set.
If ‘Password on Boot’ is not set or at automatic wakeup, all users cannot use floppy disk
This item may not operate properly on OSs not using BIOS to access floppy disk drives,
such as Windows NT.
Hard Disk Boot Sector
This item sets whether the boot sector on the hard disk is write-protected in order to protect
the sector against virus .
- Normal (Initial value)
The boot sector is not write-protected.
- Write protected
The boot sector is write-protected.
- When installing an OS, select [Normal].
- This item may not operate properly on OSs not using BIOS to access floppy disk drives,
such as Windows NT.
Setting a password
Move the cursor to ‘Set Supervisor Password’ or ‘Set User Password’ and press the
Enter key.
A password entry window appears.
Set Supervisor Password
Enter New Password
Confirm New Password
Set User Password
Enter New Password
Confirm New Password