Questions and Troubleshooting
Arc Calibration
(1) What kind of fiber is available for Arc Calibration?
•SM fiber based upon ITU-T G652, DS G653 and NZDS G655 fiber is available. Do
not use the PANDA or EDF, which is highly doped. If a fiber is only lightly doped, it
can be used for Arc Calibration (e.g. Corning CS980, Flex core).
(2) Is Arc Calibration with “Clamp on coating” is possible?
•It is possible. However, confirm the results of “Coating Clamp” and “Glass Clamp”
arc calibrations are the same for the particular fiber and coating being used.
(3) Too many repetitions until “Calibration Finish” indicated
•The splicer needs to repeat the arc calibration after replacing the electrodes or when
the environmental conditions change drastically.
•Confirm the correct installation of “Electrodes”.
•Confirm that the tips of the electrodes are not bent and that a large amount glass is not
attached. If either case exists, execute “Electrode Stabilize”.
•To set a maximum number of calibrations, see the [
]. When
the number of calibrations exceeds the setting, the splicer indicates “Test Finish”
even when it is still not perfect.
(4) “Calibration Finish” is never indicated after many repetitions
•Execute [
] function in [Maintenance Menu]. If the splicer still
does not indicate “Calibration Finish”, replace the electrodes. See [
] section.
(5) No arc power change after [Arc Calibration]
•An internal factor is calibrated and adjusted for the specific arc power selected. The
displayed arc power in each splice mode does not change.
•The calibration results affect all splice modes.