Software Section
Not used
%MW3.62436 WL62436
IP address (L)
Indicates the IP address of the self station.
%MW3.62437 WL62437
IP address (H)
%MW3.62438 WL62438
Subnet mask (L)
Indicates the subnet mask
%MW3.62439 WL62439
Subnet mask (H)
%MW3.62440 WL62440
Default gateway address (L)
Indicates the IP address of the default gateway
%MW3.62441 WL62441
Default gateway address (H)
%MW3.62442 WL62442
TCP sending and receiving
timeout value
Indicates the TCP sending timeout value.
%MW3.62443 WL62443
Not used
%MW3.62444 WL62444
Loader command watch timer
Indicates timer to monitor access from the target station in
the loader command (server operation) mode.
%MW3.62445 WL62445
Not used
%MW3.62446 WL62446
Sending retry number of times
Indicates the number of sending retries in TCP
communication. (Fixed to 8)
%MW3.62447 WL62447
Close process during TCP
sending timeout
Not supported
%MW3.62448 WL62448
Close process during response
receiving timeout
Not supported
%MW3.62449 WL62449
Not used
%MW3.62450 WL62450
Not used
%MW3.62451 WL62451
Response watch timer value
Not supported
%MW3.62452 WL62452
Loader command receive port
Indicates the port No. of the self station in the loader
communication (server operation) mode.
In the loader communication (client operation) mode,
the port No. of the self station = “Loader command receive
port” + “Internal socket No.” + 1.
%MW3.62453 WL62453
Loader commend send port
Indicates the port No. of the target station in the loader
communication (client operation) mode.
%MW3.62454 WL62454
Parameter setting request flag
Used to write the contents of the special register.
Not used
(2) Left side expansion unit special register area