background image



Slow Synchro

Post Shot Assist Window

Slide show

Date-stamped album playback

Enjoy as many as 500 shots without a recharge thanks to energy-efficient engineering and 

the high-power battery. On one full charge, take hundreds 

of photos at a holiday or business trip destination, 

free from battery worries.

The responsive FinePix F10 is ready when you are!

 Super-fast start-up time of only 1.3 seconds.

 Shooting interval of 1.2 seconds. 

 Shutter release time lag of minimum 0.01 seconds.*

High Speed Shooting mode

With built-in improved High Speed Shooting 

mode, there are no more lost photo opportunities.  

With this mode, the time required for AF is 

approx. half * of normal AF mode.

F10's range and versatility of functions give you the freedom 

to explore the wonderful world of photography.

Enjoy enhanced AF ( Auto Focus ) accuracy when 

shooting under low-light conditions. And in darker 

scenes, the improved AF Assist Illuminator 

automatically projects a patterned beam of light 

further than ever to assist the autofocus and bring 

subjects as far as 4.0m away into sharp, clear focus.

Boasting a maximum sensitivity of ISO 1600, 

the new Super CCD HR combines with the noise 

suppression of the new RP Processor to fully 

exploit the high image quality and resolution of 

6.1 million recorded pixels.

 Easily take beautiful photos indoors, outdoors 

   even at twilight and under other low-light    

   conditions without loss of definition or nuance.

 New built-in Anti-blur program takes advantage of

   super-high sensitivity and faster shutter speed to 

   automatically suppress blurring from 

   "camera shake" or movement by the subject 

   under dim light conditions. 

Just select "Natural Light" mode, and the 

camera will automatically set flash for off and  

adjust sensitivity up to ISO 1600 to compensate 

for low-light situations, letting you easily take 

photos in a variety of scenes, for example… 

 Capture not only the subject, but also dark

backgrounds in vivid detail.

 Restaurants, aquariums and other places where

    flash is undesirable, prohibited or simply cannot
    reach the subject.

 Enjoy natural-looking snapshots of children and

    pets without flash or "red eye".

Natural Light mode

 (Scene Position) 

The convenient     button gives you one-touch access 

to your frequently used settings including quality 

mode, sensitivity and FinePix Color mode  ( Standard, 

Chrome, and B&W ).


PictBridge compatible


Ultra-sophisticated auto white balance


Multi-Language display (Supports seven languages)


Rechargeable battery and AC power adapter included

The included FinePixViewer software makes it 

a snap to download image files and movie 

clips to your computer while recharging the 

camera battery.


Automatic setting for easy point and shoot.

Others :  

       Continuous        Macro         Slow Synchro



• White Balance  • Exposure Compensation  
• Photometry  • AF Mode





Video record/playback (plus audio)* max. 29.3 min. at 
320 x 240 pixels, or max. 14.9 min. at 640 x 480 pixels. 

a beautiful

non-flash result.

Background that 
flash cannot reach…

reduced blurring.

Blurred subjects 
at twilight…

Wide angle

3x optical zoom

3x optical plus 6.2x digital zoom

Quick and responsive, the FUJINON 3x optical zoom lens 

empowers you with a focal length equivalent to a 36-108mm lens 

on a 35mm camera. Capture the full flavor of the scene with wide 

angle or zoom in for a tight close-up. Combined with the 6.2x 

digital zoom, you can take advantage of a total zoom ratio of 18.5x !

* Depending on the subject

* After AF/AE locked.

* When using a 1GB xD- Picture Card


Sample photos are simulated images.

T h e   e x t r a - l a r g e   2 . 5 - i n c h   L C D   m o n i t o r   p r o v i d e s   a   s p a c i o u s  

a p p r o x . 115 , 0 0 0 - p i x e l   c a n v a s   t o   c o m p o s e   y o u r   p h o t o ,   c h e c k  

s e t t i n g s ,   a n d   p l a y b a c k   t h e   b e a u t i f u l   r e s u l t s .

S e n s i n g   a m b i e n t   l i g h t ,   t h e   A u t o   G a i n   f u n c t i o n   a u t o m a t i c a l l y  

a d j u s t s   L C D   b r i g h t n e s s ,   o r   y o u   c a n   m a n u a l l y   t u n e   b r i g h t n e s s  

w i t h   t h e   L o w   L i g h t   V i e w   b u t t o n   f o r   o p t i m u m   v i e w i n g   i n d o o r s  

o r   o u t d o o r s .   P l u s   a   h o s t   o f   n e w   s h o o t i n g   f u n c t i o n s   i n c l u d i n g  

t h e   P o s t   S h o t   A s s i s t   W i n d o w   t h a t   l e t s   y o u   t a k e   t h e   n e x t  

p h o t o   w h i l e   s e e i n g   t h e   p l a y b a c k   o f   p r e v i o u s   s h o t s ,   a r e  

s u p p o r t e d   b y   a   t o t a l l y   n e w   S h o o t i n g / P l a y b a c k   i n t e r f a c e   f o r  

m o r e   i n t u i t i v e   o p e r a t i o n .

E v e n   w h e n   t h e   c a m e r a   i s   s w i t c h e d   o f f ,   y o u   c a n   v i e w   y o u r  

p r e v i o u s   s h o t s   j u s t   b y   p r e s s i n g   t h e   P l a y b a c k   b u t t o n .
