What is an AWTS?
An Aerated Wastewater Treatment System (AWTS) is a small scale onsite sewage treatment plant.
An AWTS uses the processes of aeration followed by clarification to achieve biological treatment of
CE-1500EX is an AWTS designed to comply with AS/NZS 1546.3 and to meet each state and territory
in Australia’s regulatory requirements.
CE-1500EX Treatment System
CE-1500EX is designed to treat all household wastewater from the kitchen, bathroom, toilet and
laundry area and is capable of producing Advanced Secondary Quality Effluent as specified below.
The daily design flow rate of CE-1500EX is 1,500 L/day.
BOD equal to or less than 10mg/L
Suspended Solids equal to or less than 10mg/L
Thermotolerant coliform less than 10cfu/100mL
What is BOD?
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a standard measure of water quality. It is a measure
of the amount of oxygen (mg/L) consumed by natural, biological processes, like bacteria,
which break down organic matter. A higher BOD indicates poor quality of water.