WTA528774 5/31
1. Overview
The Electronic Personal Dosimeter NRF30 (hereinafter referred to as NRF30) is designed to
provide measurement of personal dose equivalent of external exposure to radiations (hereinafter
referred to as dose).
The Dosimeter NRF30 measures gamma dose, and indicates each preset dose threshold (alarm
threshold) will be audibly alarmed if reached.
Using the Dosimeter Setting Device and a PC, you can write PC-edited values to / read
measurement data trend from the Dosimeter NRF30 via communication with the device.
If worn tight to the body, energy characteristic of the NRF30 series enables direct reading of dose
equivalent at the depth of 1cm (unit: Sv or rem, 1Sv is equivalent to 100 rem).
You can switch Sv and rem units through the Dosimeter Setting Device. Default setting of
and NRF30021-
2YY are Sv and rem, respectively.