User’s manual · DVB 310 T / DVB 310 T CI
- 5 - DVB 310 T / DVB 310 T CI version_en_1.2 FTE maximal
We will be able to store and recover complete configurations of the device in the option “Auto” of the main menu.
The following options can be found in the “Auto” menu:
- Head program: Updating of the DVB module with the software version of the programmer. While the device is being
updated, the AUDIO/VIDEO output will not show any signal. In the screen of PRO 201 you will be able to see the
progress bar.
Once the process is finished, please boot the device.
- Head configuration: In the case of the usual usage of a fixed configuration of channels, we can store that configuration
in the memory of the programmer, so when we want to make the installation it will be enough to dump the stored
configuration from the programmer to the device and this way we will achieve a better agility in the programming of the
- Read from module: It allows reading the data of the module and saving it in the programmer. The steps to make
a correct reading of the headend are specified below:
1. Select the option “Read from
module” through Up/Down buttons.
Press OK to continue
2. Select the position of “PG” memory
where you wish to save the current
configuration of the module.
3. A window will appear and it will let
you know that the reading made has
been correct
Write to Module: It allows writing the data stored in the programmer in the module. The steps to make a correct
configuration of the headend are specified below:
1. Select the option “Write to module”
through Up/Down buttons. Press OK
to continue
2. Select the position of the “PG”
memory that you wish to copy in the
module. Please verify that the data of
the selected memory correspond to
the channel that you wish to copy.
3. A window will appear and it will let
you know that the configuration made
has been correct
Data Write Success
Pls Check New Module
Press OK
PRO201 >> DVB PG: 01
Antena 3 F:543250
*Write to Module*
Up/Down to change
OK for enter
Data read success
Pls check new module
Press OK
DVB >> PRO 201 PG: 01
Antena 3 F:543250
*Read from module*
Up/Down to change
OK for enter
DVB 310 T
Manual TV Mode
DVB 310 T
>Head Program<
Head Config.
DVB 310 T
Head programming
Please wait