Phone: 973-785-4347 Fax: 973-785-3318 Web: www.fsrinc.com E-Mail: [email protected]
Thank you for your purchase of an
and con-
gratulations on your choice. This equipment, not
only sequences the power turn on, it also provides
maximum protection form the types of hazards
faced by delicate analog and digital pro audio and
video equipment.
Your SPC-15X provides the most complete and
comprehensive protection form power line-related
transient voltages, noise and wiring faults avail-
able. It combines a high voltage surge and tran-
sient suppressor with an RFI/EMI interference fil-
ter. The fast-acting suppression circuit responds
in less than a nanosecond, clamping transient volt-
ages to safe levels, the filter works to prevent noise
from fluorescent lights, certain dimmers, radio
transmitters, and similar sources of “electronic
pollution” from contaminating the AC line and
from there, leaking into sensitive audio, video, or
computer circuits.
What sets the FSR SPC Series apart from other
sequencers and conditioners is the use of
TRIACS as the switching element in stead of
relays, which are prone to failure.
Also another
distinguishing feature is the quantity, quality, and
configuration of its suppression devices. These
include MOV’s, gas discharge tubes, fast-blow
fuses, and high voltage inductors and capacitors.
This unique combination can safely absorb and
dissipate large spikes from nearby lightning strikes
and other sources as well as highly attenuate au-
dible high frequency noise.
NOTE: SPC-15X requires that a safety ground
be present for proper operation. Any attempt to
operate the SPC-20X without a safety ground is
considered improper operation and could invali-
date the warranty.
Effects of Lightning
Lightning is a natural phenomenon of overwhelm-
ing force that represents the most difficult circum-
stance faced by a power protection product. The
degree of protection a SPC-15X can offer depends
on the intensity of the strike. If lightning strikes a
distant power line and causes a relatively small
disturbance to reach your location, the spike sup-
pressors in the SPC-15X will absorb the excess
voltage invisibly and harmlessly. However, if
lightning strikes the actual building where the
SPC-15X is installed (or somewhere very nearby)
some damage may be unavoidable due to the ex-
tremely high voltage and current present. If this
does occur, most likely damage will be limited to
the SPC-15X itself and will affect only certain
spike suppression components (called varistors or
MOV’s.) In this “suicide” mode, the SPC-15X
may sustain minor damage but generally will pro-
tect all equipment plugged into it from much more
serious and costly damage as long as the equip-
ment is properly grounded. Proper grounding re-
quires the use of three-prong AC cords, and that
the building’s outlets are actually grounded to
earth as specified by the National Electrical Code.
Any SPC-15X known to have taken a direct light-
ning hit should be checked by a qualified techni-
cian or the FSR factory to determine whether the
MOV’s need replacement.
If the surge circuits
indicator is not lit, there is definitely some dam-
age. Some spike suppression capability may
still be available, but there is no guarantee of
For optimum protection, you should not rely ex-
clusively on the SPC-15X to protect against a di-
rect lightning hit. The first line of defense against
lightning should be a lightning arrestor installed
on your building’s electrical service entrance. If
your building does not have one, contact your lo-
cal power company or a contractor to have one
This is an expansion unit which means you can
extend the proper sequencing of AC power cir-
cuits to accommodate as many additional loads
as needed by the particular installation. Each SPC-
15X will handle one 15 amp circuit (derated to
12 amps). The installation is straight forward, the
first SPC-15X is connected to the main SPC-15
via the expansion connector and then any addi-
tional SPC-15X units are connected in a daisy
chain fashion to the first SPC-15X.