interface TGigaEthernet0/23
interface TGigaEthernet0/24
interface QTGigaEthernet0/1
interface QTGigaEthernet0/2
interface VLAN1
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
vlan 1
ip exf
ipv6 exf
ip http server
ip sshd enable
!Pending configurations for absent linecards:
!No configurations pending global
#By viewing the configuration file information, you can see that the user name and password configured on the switch is “username admin
password 0 admin”, which indicates that the switch uses plaintext encryption, so directly restart the switch with the command: reboot, and
then log in switch with admin/admin.
B: Ciphertext Encryption Solution
monitor#more startup-config
//view the configuration file information
!version 2.2.0D build 66315
service timestamps log date
service timestamps debug date
spanning-tree mode rstp
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication enable default none
aaa authorization exec default local
username admin password 0 *********
#By viewing the configuration file information, you can see that the user name and password configured on the switch is “username admin
password ******”, which indicates that the switch uses ciphertext encryption.
#Solution: The cipher text method can only choose to delete the original configuration file, but in order to retain the configuration file when
the device can operate normally after logging to the switch, it’s need to back up the configuration file, the specific steps are as follows:
1) First display all configuration information through the command: more startup-config, and then put the configuration information into the
TXT file by copying and pasting.
2) Delete the configuration file and restart the switch
monitor#delete startup-config
//delete the configuration file
this file will be erased,are you sure?(y/n)y
Do you want to reboot the Switch(y/n)?y
Please wait...
System Bootstrap, Version 0.4.5, Serial No:CG1908020295N0026
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FS S5900-24S4T2Q
Current time: 1970-1-1 0:00:00
SDRAM Fast Test...............................PASS!
Flash Fast Test...............................PASS!
RTC Test......................................PASS!
Loading flash:/Switch.bin......