Installation Requirements
Before you begin the installation, make sure that you have the
Metropolitan area fiber broadband network: telecommunications, cable TV, network system
integration, etc., network operators.
Broadband private network: Suitable for financial, government, oil, railway, electric power,
public security, transportation, education and other industries.
Multimedia transmission: image, voice, data integrated transmission, suitable for remote
teaching, conference TV, videophone and other applications.
Real-time monitoring: simultaneous transmission of real-time control signals, images, data.
Resistant to harsh environment: Suitable for strong electromagnetic interference, networking
in harsh environments at long distances.
1. Hook the mount bracket over the top of the rail.
2. Rotate the switch downward towards the rail to lock it into place until the click is heard.
3. Pull down to clear the bottom of the DIN-Rail and rotate away from the rail.
Mounting the Switch
DIN-Rail Mounting
Mounting the unit
Releasing the unit