Instruction Manual for FrSky GPS ADV Sensor
FrSky Electronic Co., Ltd. www.frsky-rc.com Contact us: [email protected]
Add: F-4,Building C, Zhongxiu Technology Park, No.3 Yuanxi Road, Wuxi, 214125, Jiangsu, China Technical Support: [email protected]
ID Set Up
Note: All FrSky Smart Port enabled sensors could daisy chain with each other through their Smart Port.
Each type of FrSky Smart Port enabled sensor has its unique physical ID. The ID number could be changed by Free
Link (Windows/android/ios). Please refer to the instruction manual of FrSky Servo Channel Changer for details.
Warning: The GPS should be mounted with Velcro in your model so that the “UP” side is facing toward
the sky.
FrSky GPS ADV Sensor - feeds variable directional information such as:
Altitude, position, speed, and UTC time etc., which is displayed in real time on FrSky
Other FrSky FBUS/S.Port enabled sensors including new Smart Port enabled Variometer Sensor, Lipo Voltage
Sensor, RPM Sensor, Airspeed Sensor, and so on.
The Battery and ESC should be connected to BAT port and ESC port correspondingly and make sure the polarity is
correct. FrSky is not responsible for any damage caused by wrong polarity connection.
LED Status
LED Status
Flash slowly
Flash quickly