background image

Note: If the compensation direction is incorrect, please reverse the corresponding channel as illustrated below.

After changing the compensation direction, make sure to check it again on the actual model.

When the plane is rotated to left or right 
(Yaw), rudders should have the correcting 
actions as illustrated above.

Inspection of flight attitude

To ensure flight safety, checking the compensation direction of the model is strongly recommended.


Activating auto level mode will produce a strong deflection on AIL and ELE, which is used to check the response of aileron and elevator. 
Also, activating Knife-edge and Hover mode will have the same reaction on the rudder.

When the plane is rotated left or right (Roll), 
ailerons should have the correcting actions 
as illustrated above.

When the plane is rotated up or down (Pitch), 
elevators should have the correcting actions 
as illustrated above.

     Under identical operating conditions, the value of each channel produced by the assigned switch in FrOS are opposite 

     to that in OpenTX. For exmaple, SW Up in FrOS is equal to SW Down in OpenTX.

     Never operate the stick bound to CH12 during flight session. If so, it will trigger self-check and may cause the crash 

     of the model. 




Before self-check, please place the model on the groud (level surface).


When the model is flying, aerodynamic balance is more important than level attitude, which results in that the model flys at a constant         

   altitude with the nose slightly pointing up at low speed. To avoid the nose-diving of the model at high air speed, the user must insure  
   that the model is placed at a level or slightly-nose-up attitude during self-check.


Always install SR6 straight and level in the model. If required, PC software could be used to adjust the angle of attack with the purpose 

   of realizing the required setting. If the values set by the user is bigger than average ones, we advise to recheck the installation 
   orientation of SR6.

Steps ( Different from the SXR/R9 STAB OTA/RB series)


Turn on the transmitter and ensure that Ail (CH1), ELE (CH2), RUD (CH4), AIL 2(CH5) and ELE (CH6) are in the neutral position.


Power on the model and start SR6 self-check. Ensure the auto level angle of the gyro and the neutral position of gimbal. Please don’t 

   touch/move the model until self-check finishes, or it may corrupt the calibration settings created during the procedure.


Move the three-position sticks bound to CH12 three times in 2 seconds (up, mid, down). Then the BLUE LED will turn on. Waiting the 

   8~9 seconds, the LED will flash and move the sticks bound to CH1~CH6(except the CH related to Thr) in 7~8 seconds , the corresponding
   parts on the model will move . At last, the BLUE LED will turn off,the corresponding parts on the model will move automatically

   indicating self-check has completed, In the end, SR6 will save the zero points of the gyro, auto level angle, gimbal neutral position 
   and servo channel limits.


Move the sticks bound to CH1~CH6 (except the CH related to Thr) and check the channel output limits, ensuring that the signal outputs 

   of SR6 will not damage the corresponding parts on the model. 



Calibrate SR6 with the Lua.or Freelink App or the PC software and install it into the model. Insure the settings of wing type and     

    mounting type are identical to the intended model installation.


Turn on the transmitter and reduce the value of servo endpoint setting. Ensure self-check mode will not damage the corresponding 

    parts on the model.


Assign a knob/slider to CH9, then real-time gain adjustment capabilities of SR6 will be activated.


Assign three-position switches to CH10 and CH11 with the purpose of switching available flight modes.


Power on the model and check the deflection direction of each related parts on the model. Make sure the switch assigned to flight 

   modes is correct and the compensation direction of the gyro is set as intended on AIL, RUD and ELE.


Make a self-check for SR6 if necessary. Disconnecting the power on SR6 will not lose the set parameters.

                                              FrSky Electronic Co., Ltd.                              Contact us: [email protected]  

Add: F-4,Building C, Zhongxiu Technology Park, No.3 Yuanxi Road, Wuxi, 214125, Jiangsu, China    Technical Support: [email protected] 




Instruction Manual for FrSky ARCHER SR6 Receiver

The positive and negative values related to three-axis gyroscope and accelerometer make a total of six values that need to be acquired. 
Please follow the on-screen instructions.


Click the “Calibration” button and wait until the YELLOW LED flashing, indicating the calibration on this orientation has been completed.


Repeat the above step five times (remaining 5 dimensions). Placing SR6 in the required orientation, ensure all values (X, Y, Z, Mod) 

   are displaying 1.000 with the deviation of ±0.1.


Press “Write” to save the data on SR6 when done.

Accelerometer Calibration

                                              FrSky Electronic Co., Ltd.                              Contact us: [email protected]  

Add: F-4,Building C, Zhongxiu Technology Park, No.3 Yuanxi Road, Wuxi, 214125, Jiangsu, China    Technical Support: [email protected] 




Instruction Manual for FrSky ARCHER SR6 Receiver
