You have purchased a three spindle mower designed especially for the mowing of
grassy areas where a highly professional cut is required without wasting time.
This mower is perfect for the maintenance of parks, private lawns, industrial parks,
airports, hospital grounds, schools, highways, golf courses, sport complexes, etc. The
GM1 series, for tractors up to 30 HP, come in working widths of 4’, 5’ and 6’
respectively. The mower can be either tractor front or rear mounted. On your mower,
the tractor PTO transmits its power through a driveline to a speed multiplier gearbox. A
pulley is attached to the pinion gear shaft of the gearbox which, via high resistance
belts, transmits power to pulleys coupled to the three individual spindle shafts. Blades
are secured to these shafts which turn at a high blade tip speed to cut the grass.
Our grooming mowers comes equipped with 4 swivel wheels. Aside from regulating the
cutting height, the wheels are set in such a way as to allow the mower to follow the
contour of the terrain and give a precise level cut even in undulating conditions.
3.01 - Operational Safety
CAUTION: Our mowers are designed considering safety as the most important
aspect and are the safest available in today’s market. Unfortunately, human
carelessness can override the safety features built into our machines. Injury
prevention and work safety, aside from the features on our mowers, are very
much due to the responsible use of the equipment. It must always be operated
prudently following with great care, the safety instructions laid out in this manual.
1. The use of this equipment is subject to certain hazards which cannot be prevented
by mechanical means or product design. All operators of this equipment must read
and understand this entire manual, paying particular attention to safety and
operating instructions, prior to using.
2. Do not operate the tractor and mower when you are tired, sick or when using
3. Keep all helpers and bystanders at least several feet from a rotary mower. Only
properly trained people should operate this machine.
4. The majority of accidents involve entanglements on the driveline, injury of
bystanders by objects thrown by the rotating blades, and operators being knocked
off the tractor by low hanging limbs and then being run over by the mower. Accidents
are most likely to occur with machines that are loaned or rented to someone who
has not read the operator’s manual and is not familiar with a rotary mower.