As we have tried to make the machine as friendly a possibele, for maintenance purposes. We decided
to develop only one control board. All programms possibele in the FS 2XX series are already installed
on the board. We only have to change the different setting for some parameters to swich On or Off
these different functions.
To enter the parameter section:
Press the STOP button for five seconds
The indication of the parameter (F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6 etc. ), which may be changed by means of
the «+» or «–», is shown on the left-hand side of the display.
The value of the parameter, which may be changed by means of the «+» or «–» is shown on the right-
hand side of the display.
These parameters are associated with:
F0 = Pallet overlap
( 7 )
(Settings between 0 – 100)
F1 = Friction delay
( 0 – 11 )
F2 = Friction voltage
(motor pre stretch 100 )
F3 = Film cutting system
( 0 = OFF, 1 = ON )
F4 = Friction voltage before cutting
(Settings between 0 – 255)
F5 = Cutting time ( 10 = 0,1 sec )
(Settings between 0 – 255)
F6 = Slow time (10 = 0,1 sec )
(Settings between 0 – 255)
We also have the possibility to regulate some parameters. This regulation can also be done on the
inverter itself. In any case it is advisebel the cheque the standard settings before any adjustment is be
Regulation of the parameters
Push the button Stop + Manual toppress for 5 seconds
Insert password 16-07 than press stop again
T0 = Analog output 1 Inverter turntable
(55Hz = 100 = 10V )
T1 = Analog output 2 Inverter carriage
(60Hz = 100 = 10V )
T2 = Analog output 3 Inverter Pré – Stretch
(60 Hz = 100 = 10V )
T3 = Analog signal offset = 10 Inverter
T4 = Gain signal offset = 10 Inverter
T5 = Pré stretch
( 0 = No, 1 = Yes )
T6 = Top press
( 0 = No, 1 = Yes )
T7 = Film broken
( 0 = OFF, 1 = ON )
T8 = Block parameters possible
( 0 = No, 1 = Yes )
(Standard 1)
T9 = Horse shoe turntable
( 0 = No, 1 = Yes )
T10 = Pre stretch indepentedly adjutabele
during carriage movement up and down ( 0 = No, 1 = Yes )
T11 = Sound of the alarm during the cycle
( 0 = No, 1 = Yes )
(Standard 0)
T12 = Different parameters for every cycle
( 0 = No, 1 = Yes )
(Standard 0)
T13 = Left side PW for un-blocking parameters ( 22 )
T14 = Right side PW un-blocking parameters
( 3 )
After changing or regulation of the parameters always switch of the machine. Wait for approx.
10 seconds and switch on the machine again.