CCT rise for heating
If the combustion chamber temperature rises after
preheating by this value, the boiler switches to heating
operating status.
5.3.7 Flue gas
System menu
Flue gas
Minimum flue gas temperature
Specifies the minimum flue gas temperature setpoint in °C.
The lower range of the output increase is calculated in
conjunction with the predefined flue gas control band.
Maximum flue gas temperature
Specifies the maximum flue gas temperature setpoint in
°C. The upper range of the output decrease is calculated
in conjunction with the predefined flue gas control band.
Use boiler flue gas criterion?
Activates the boiler/flue gas difference safety criterion
Safety time
In the “Heating” status: If the shutdown conditions (“Boiler -
flue gas temperature difference" parameter or “Residual
oxygen before combustion ceases” parameter) are not
fulfilled for the specified time, the “Safety time expired”
error message will appear.
Boiler - flue gas temperature difference
If the difference between the flue gas temperature and the
boiler temperature in “heating" status falls below this
specified value, the “safety time expired" error will appear
after a safety time (“safety time” parameter).
Flue gas control band
Defines the control band in °C before reaching the
minimum or maximum flue gas temperature.
100% power at flue gas temperature
Specifies the flue gas temperature in "Heating" mode, from
which 100% boiler power is released. Below this
temperature the maximum possible power is calculated
from the control curve (“ignition power at flue gas
temperature” parameter -> "100% power at flue gas
temperature” parameter). This prevents the cold fire clay
from heating up too quickly.
Ignition power at flue gas temperature
Specifies the flue gas temperature that must be reached,
so that power can be increased. Below this temperature
the boiler is limited to the ignition power. Above this
temperature the maximum possible power is calculated
from the control curve (parameter "Ign pwr until ex. temp" -
> parameter "100% power at ex gas temp."). This prevents
the cold fire clay from heating up too quickly.
Flue gas control delay
Specifies the attenuation of the flue gas control.
Menus and parameters
Service manual SPS 4000 | B0960622_en