Using FRITZ!Box Users
FRITZ!Box 4020
of security we recommend disabling Internet access to the
FRITZ!Box via HTTPS whenever no more FRITZ!Box users re-
quire access to the user interface of your FRITZ!Box from the
For more information about MyFRITZ!, see the chapter
MyFRITZ!: Accessing the FRITZ!Box from Anywhere
For more information about HTTPS, see the chapter
from the Internet via HTTPS, FTP and FTPS
How to Use FRITZ!Box User Accounts
As a FRITZ!Box user with all rights, you can control and
configure your FRITZ!Box at home from anywhere, and al-
so view contents and download what you need.
If you set up a FRITZ!Box user account for every member
of the family, with at least the rights to access voice mes-
sages, faxes, FRITZ!App Fon and the call list, the entire
family can check the answering machine or view the call
list even when they’re away from home.
With a FRITZ!Box user account that has only the right to
access a certain area of the NAS, you can grant your
friends Internet access to your latest vacation pictures,
for instance.
Preconfigured FRITZ!Box User: ftpuser
The first time you open the overview of user accounts under
“System / FRITZ!Box Users / Users”, the user “ftpuser” is al-
ready listed.
This is because the FRITZ!NAS service, in which the storage
media connected with the FRITZ!Box are summarized, can al-
so be accessed over the protocols SAMBA and FTP. If you ac-
cess FRITZ!NAS via Windows file sharing or an FTP client, your
users must be authenticated by entering “ftpuser”.
The preconfigured user account ensures smooth access to
FRITZ!NAS over SAMBA and FTP. Therefore it is important not
to delete or rename this user.