Our aluminium and fiberglass ladders do not need of
any particular maintenance nor periodic overhauling.
However, we advise to stock the ladders safe from
atmospheric, oxidant or corrosive agents and also to
check the ladders before each use.
Before each use secure that:
- All parts are not damaged, deformed or cracked
- Profiles and rungs/steps have not a permanent
- The anti-slip plastic feet are not weared out
- All mechanisms and blocking devices are
working in orderd. In case, clean or lubricate.
- Nuts, screws and rivets are not loosen.
- Ropes are in excellent conditions and perfectly
sliding .
- Dadi, viti, rivetti non siano allentati.
The undersigned company Frigerio Carpenterie S.p.A. guarantees the ladder described below for
a period of six years from the buying date and will replace or repair, free of charge, those parts,
whether materials or workmanship, which are defected at origin; it furthermore guarantees any
damage to persons or things caused by those same parts if they were definitely defective on
leaving the production factory.
The following are not included in this guarantee:
defects or breakages and all consequences caused by misuse and/or lack of compliance,
even if only in part, with that indicated in the instructions and/or that prescribed by the specific
current standards.
Damage caused by wear or atmospheric agents
I n t e r v e n t i o n s f o r
p r e s u m e d d e f e c t s o r
convenience inspections
This guarantee is not valid in
the case of mishandling or
repairs carried out by persons
not authorised by Frigerio
Carpenterie S.p.A. or if
carried out using non-original
spare parts.
The stool art. WKP does not required particular procedures to be used:
- open the stool to completely so that the steps are in flat position.
- The stool is ready to be used.
Before each use check the well
condition of the stool
It is forbidden to add side rails or
extension parts which are not
The user must always hold on well to the
ladder, securing himself with both feet
a n d a t l e a s t o n e h a n d . A n y
unbalanced movement is to be
avoided. Do not lean out from the
ladder, or overextend your reach
sideways. We advise wearing suitable
footwear, avoiding clogs and high
Always respect the
l o a d c a p a c i t y
indica-ted on the
information plates
(150kg). This signifies
t h a t t w o p e o p l e
must not be on the
ladder together.
Guarantee and insurance certificate
Validity from date of purchase: 2 Years
Stool model: ________________________ Date of purchase: _________________
Serial Number, if any -
Manufacture month/year:
Stamp and signature
of Retailer:
We recommend retaining fiscal document to validate the guarantee
Congratulations for having chosen the quality of Frigerio products.
You have chosen a practical ladder, handy, light, but above all safe, made with top quality
materials and put through strict quality checks.
You are now owner of a reliable ladder, we would like to point out, however, that its correct use is the
best guarantee of safety.
Take care not to
place the ladder
in places where
p e o p l e a n d
vehicles pass.
L o c k m o b i l e
systems (doors)
a n d / o r c l e a r l y
i n d i c a t e t h e i r
Take great care if
near high voltage
lines. Maintain a
d i s t a n c e o f a t
least 5 metres.
When working on
e l e c t r i c a l
s y s t e m s , u s e
ladders insulated
with fibreglass.
E n s u r e t h a t t h e
stool are opened
c o m p l e t e l y t o
p r e v e n t t h e m
opening suddenly
when in use.
Always check the suitability of the
ground where the ladder will be
placed. Avoid shiny floors which are
slippery from water and surfaces which
are slippery from oil, petrol and other
similar substances. If necessary,
remove the cause. Avoid the risk of
sinking into soft ground by using
suitable shoes from the manufacturer,
or wooden planks.
Always keep the
ladder perfectly
The manufacturer is not liable for any damage to persons or
things which may be caused by improper use of the
ladders, or by total or partial non-observance of the
instructions in this handbook or of current legal regulations,
or by lack of periodic controls or maintenance to protect
against possible damage caused by use or by atmospheric
agents. In this connection, we advise you to carefully check
the ladder parts before every use and observe the legal
regulations on accident prevention.
Declaration of conformity
We declare that
WK series
manufactured in compliance with the Italian Presidential
the stool
Decree n. 81 dd. 08/04/2008.
We also declare that
the stool art. SCA WKP/03 and SCA WKP/04 and SCA WKP/05 are
manufactured in compliance with the European EN 14183 of 2003 referring to
LABORATORY certificate nr. EPTC-YM-S1710662 i
06/10/2017 by ZHEJIANG YOUMAY
ssued on